It was really a very very happy day yesterday !!!(stress that 'very very' word many many times)
Well, It all started with this lovely morning
call from hubby heading down to uni for his orientation,
hence we webcam-ed a lil' in between his breaks. Despite calling
each other quite a number of times in a day, I still miss him very much
cuz we couldn't webcam easily since he doesn't have connection at his place,
so he gathered almost 9 Oasis acc from his very good friends in Miri just to
top up his bandwidth, cuz each student in Perth's only allowed to access up
to 1 GB of bandwidth each month, which is so very little because, we
tested it, we actually used up more than 100 MB of the bandwidth
in less than an hour we webcam-ed & voice talk-ed !!! Anyway,
I totally enjoyed that few minutes of precious
moments spent with hubby !!!
Well, that was really not the happiest
part of the story yet !!! I din noe that I could be that
lucky yesterday until I found this babe of mine !!!
Ahh 。。。I've been trying to look for it at the very same place
for more than 1 month now !!! I can remember vividly the
exact place they display it in Bell's Bookshop but I js couldn't find it
anymore when I returned for it !!!
Oh, I meant the 'teddy bearstitching' !!! I have been wanting to handmake one for hubby
before he left for Perth, but I only manage to find it now !!!
Aiks !!! But I have some other plans for lil' teddy I'll
tell all of ya some other day yay !!!
Btw, I found this very cute '
DIY Cake' set at
常 利 !!!
I bought the
cookies set !!! Intended to practise on them
before getting into the real thing yay !!! And also, am so very
excited !!! I bought another pressie paper to add on to my collections
again !!! I totally love this new one !!! I called it the '
PurplePolkadots' !!! It's a very nice piece of transparent paper
which I bought at The Moments for RM 0.50 only !!!
It's a really happy day I told you !!!
Oh oh 。。。 not only that !!!I even went all the way up to Saberkas to 'reload' my mag !!!It's Friday, my friend !!! I had to do this at least once every month !!!
These lovely things keep me occupied for weeks !!! And am so happy
I got myself the June/July edition of
Teen Vogue !!! Well, I guess
no one better noes how happy it is to get
Teen Vogue than
Qing girl herself, right girl ?? I love every edition of
Teen Vogue, it's thin but it's worth every pages
of the nicely-sized book !!!
You notice that blue-striped collar teeson my pillow?? Look familiar, some of you??
It's hubby's !!! A tip for every frens of mine who's
apart from the other half:
Keep 1 or 2 pieces of histees !!! Well, it must be those which have his
smell or scent on 'em !!! It really does put
me to sleep easily at night !!!
Hahaha 。。。
Went grocery shopping, too !!!Wanted to try out this really nice potato salad
Jiun taught me the other day we were having
steamboat party at Ling's place !!!
Ah, the greenapples not included tho !!! They're dad's !!!
Lihai or not??I did all these within than an hour !!!Happy shopping indeed !!!
And I did not even forget to treat myself Pete'sfor tea-breaks !!! Ahh hubby, just to let you noe am
doing very fine here, and I do eat lots even when you're
not around !!! So, am hoping the same for you over there too !!!
You see, I really had to get myself 'strawberry milkshake' from
Pete's everytime I went there !!! It's a must !!! Honestly, no
one makes 'strawberry milkshake' better than
Pete's !!!
I can literally bite the seeds eventho it's blended
ice-cream !!!
Ahh I noe, that must be theirsecret weapon huh? Hahaha 。。。
Good things just keep coming yay !!!At night, mum brought back this lovely gift from
Telekom !!!
Yea, it's
Telekom, you didn't read me wrong !!! In my heart,
I was thinking "... yea, after all those 'good' things that
they've done..."
(well, I meant literally, our struggle for a really
stable connection here in Miri !!! It takes forever to get there, really !!!)
They are giving out this brand-new home phoneto celebrate its 50th anniversary according to my mum !!!Only 1 word that strikes me the moment mum handed me this
phone - yea, it's '
iTalk' !!! I wonder what good it has, hmm ...
me still figuring while reading through the manual,
I kinda do not understand how it functions lar !!!
Ahh 。。。nevermind !!!
There's somethingeven better inside the box !!!
A voucher for free colonel burger @ KFC My sis was like "it's so small bah what??"Kenot think like this !!! You see, we should really
treasure everything that happens
'once in a blue moon' !!!
You noe how rare it is for Malaysian company to actually
give out something that is really free? And I mean,
really, truly, very free !!!
That's very rare !!!Well, my mum collected another 6 vouchers
from her colleagues today !!! So, I guess they
won't look very small now, would they??
On a side note, I've finished editting 2
new bloggies for my dearies -
Tung &
Chien !!!
Am so very honoured to welcome my 2 besties to the
blogspot-phere !!! Hope you two like it here !!!
Tung's: The Elephant's Girl (why? cuz she's the only fren I noe who loves elephant
that much it's almost like how I love food, aiks !!!)
Blog design by betterinpink Chien's: Secret Garden (I just couldn't help but the skin reminds me so much about her !!!)
Blog design by Gisele JaquenodWow !!! It's a very very happy day indeed !!!Am still very excited even when am writing this one day after !!!
I hope my frens, you are enjoying yourselves whatever
you're doing right now !!! Rejoice, my dearies !!!
#Update:Mission 'Potato Salad'
half-succeeded It was way to salty, I put way too much salt !!!But everything else, it tastes okay, but not as
good as my sifu's -
jiun girl !!! Hahaha 。。。
Gambateh, try again next time yay !!!
You see, I even made sandwiches outta potato salad !!!Hahaha, honestly 10 potatoes are way too much dy !!!
Am now still thinking how to settle off the rest !!!
Aiks !!! All the very best to me !!!