The clock is ticking 。。。
am saying goodbye to my 1st nest in Aussie in a few mins time.
I wonder how it's gonna be like, out there, a new place.
Would it be as lovely as my dearest Room 2?
Gosh, I think am in love with my nest.
Every little part of it 。。。
My long long long study table - never get to 'finish
using' all the areas of it btw, the little yellow light,
and the view outside my large windows.
I'll miss my 2 layers of book racks above me,
which I'll never be able to fill them up full with books.
The soft brown pin board with random pictures,
post it notes, reminders and Mrs. Bread !!!
My current desktop background on my lappie ♥
My cozy-comfy bed that puts me to sleep every night,
and lovely pictures of us hanging on the wall.
My very own wardrobe, first time of my life ♥
My Kikki.K Calendar & beautiful fashion postcards decor ♥
Moi's very own perfumes card collections - I know - bad habit ^.^
And Teruterubozu that make every rainy days more hopeful ♥
Of course, long, large mirror ♥
Thanks for all the loveliest memories in flat 6.I'll be missing every part of it, dearly.
The Fish