Sunday, November 9, 2008

60 Minutes to Doomsday

Him: Hey, what are you doing there?

Her: Am labelling all my snacks and chocolates 。。。

: Har? What? Why???

Her: So that they wouldn't end up in some others' stomaches !!!

: Wad's d big deal? It'd get into d stomach & becum shit anyway 。。。

Her: Well, at least that's my stomach & my shit !!!

Him: 。。。(speechless at his [pls input description] gf)

And you know, this is exactly what happen when you live in a house where everyone eats like no man's business !!! Wanna have a piece of my life? ('.')

Doomsday beginning in another 1 more hour. Am not procastinating, am studying really really hard, and inhaling lots & lotsa sugar to keep me awake & concentrating !!! I freaked out to even think about 'Accounting (External Reporting) 260 Finals Paper - Sem 2, 2008' !!! Rumour has it that it's the hardest accounting subject in the course & extremely, highly unpredictable. In fact, the students hate it that much, they even started a petition against it !!!

Pray hard, lovelies !

2 seashells:

(_.·´¯`·×» candies said...

oohh...good luck for exams,babe...

labeling snacks and chocs?? hahaa. I use to do that when I was in Uitm. was staying in a hostel..basically, i labeled everything. down to my slippers..umm to my toothbrush.

fish.ili.cious said...

I can't imagine I have to deal with that !!! I hadn't experience living with roomates before, but trust me when I say I've heard lotsa stories about it...
