Thursday, October 11, 2007

That Braces Girl


“你看起来就像只肥肥的大老鼠, 把好吃的都往你那牙缝里塞去,现在连我的也都吃掉了!”
。。。 Ooopsie 。。。

习惯了戴着牙套的生活, 不知道会不会有一天舍不得没有它在身边。 四年了, 我依然是当年那一个戴着牙套的女孩。。。

Am the Toothless Fairy :)

5 seashells:

yawen said...

Yayy you've finally move to Blogspot! I can't leave you any comment previously coz i don't have a Xanga account. :D Love the layout of your blog, simple and nice.

Anonymous said...

Thankiu dear =)

Now joining you @ blogspot, starting off with a clean layout makes my life look more cheerful really !!!

yawen said...

What's the song playing on your blog currently? Very soothing. :)

p/s: Have a great Raya break girl!

yawen said...

Oppsss i just saw the title. *Paiseh* :P

Anonymous said...

Hehehe ...

It's actually the theme song from Famine 30 hours held recently at Indoor, Miri. The Chinese name for the song is called "明天孩有希望".

If you like it, you can download it from my esnips site @, very meaningful ~