Sunday, March 15, 2009

And They Say Autumn's Near ...

Am loving the weather today,
it doesn't feel like 37 degrees at all.

Well, I should rethink about trusting weather report here in Perth.
I brought my umbrella to school the other day, and it didn't rain at all.
Bahh 。。。 I love my new umbrella !!! It's black & it's automatic !!!
Felt totally random today, trying hard to get myself into study
and revision for coming exams but failed a few times. Am
thinking of what to cook for dinner tonight, but there's
no vege/meat left in the fridge, I think I'll just have
porridge for dinner today. Buahaha 。。。

Saw this beautiful dance on cable tv the other day,
fell in love instantly with its choreograph & how it was
gracefully performed by the 2 dancers on stage.

Contemporary Dance
by B.J. & Gianne

Nowadays, 'So You Think You Can Dance - Australia'
has become the regular Sunday/Monday entertainment
on cable tv for flat 6 !!! I felt guilty that I was never addicted
to the show before !!! I should have !!! Hahaha 。。。

0 seashells: